Wednesday 26 December 2012

Santa Claus

The day after Christmas is traditionally one longed for by sports lovers, and for race goers Leopardstown will be offering an event filled calendar beginning on Boxing Day. Hospitality and restaurant facilities are available.  

Irish racing fans are all too aware that Ireland has produced no small number of winners over the years.

Santa Claus retuning home after winning the 1964 Epsom Derby

Purchase Prints @ Irish Photo Archive

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve

As the children are filling the family home with excitement one parent could do worse than take them off down to watch the Christmas lights while the other gets the Santa presents ready. If you don't have it done by now Christmas Eve is the last opportunity you will have.

Christmas lights in O'Connell Street in 1967

Purchase Prints @ Irish Photo Archive

Friday 21 December 2012

Time Called

This week saw laughter brought to the funeral of Páidi Ó Sé in his native Kerry, as mourners gathered to celebrate his life as much as mourn his passing. Ó Sé, a legend in the world of Kerry Football was laid to rest at Reilig Chaitliona, Ventra after his funeral mass.

Throughout Ó Sé's illustrious career his considerable prowess both on the off the field, first as a player and then as manager, brought considerable success to the Kerry team. Many friends and mourners from all walks of life gathered to hear Munster GAA Chairman, Sean Walsh giving the graveside oration.

Páidi Ó Sé died at his home last weekend aged 57.

The 1978 All Ireland Championship winning side which fielded Páidi Ó Sé

Purchase Prints @ Irish Photo Archive

Thursday 20 December 2012

The women of Ireland

‘A victory for the women of Ireland’ is how Health Minister James O’Reilly described the decision by the government to introduce a combination of  legislation and regulation so as to give effect to the 1992 X Case judgment.

The speed with which the cabinet have moved in this thorny area has been prompted by public concern over the handling of the pregnancy of Savita Halappanavar who died last month in a Galway Hospital.

Ireland has a long and contentious history regarding access to pregnancy termination. In earlier years the pro-life bodies constituted a powerful lobbying group.

Mother Teresa speaking at a meeting of the Society For The Protection of Unborn Children in 1980

In recent years that influence seems to have waned as it has come under sustained challenge from pro choice groups.

Purchase Prints @ Irish Photo Archive

Wednesday 19 December 2012

On this day 38 years ago

Cearbhall O'Dalaigh was sworn in as the fifth President of the Irish Republic.

President O'Dalaigh center with Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave left.
Following the sudden death of President Erskine Childers, Mr Cearbhall O'Dalaigh was nominated by The Fianna Fail party as its candidate to replace him.

O'Dalaigh was a barrister by profession who had served as Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court from 1961- 1973. The Fine Gael /Labour coalition government did not oppose the nomination and Mr O'Dalaigh was elected unopposed on a joint party agreement.

President O' Dalaigh shakes hands with Chief Justice O'Higgins after being sworn in.

He resigned in controversial circumstances in October 1976 after the Minister for Defence publicly criticised his action in referring an emergency powers bill to the Supreme Court to test its constitutionality.

An elderly Eamon DeValera pictured at the inauguration.

Purchase prints at Irish Photo Archive

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Irish Aviation

A preliminary investigation into last month’s plane crash near Birr airfield, Co Offaly, has found that the plane had no technical defects. The investigation will now focus on the amount of fuel the plane was carrying at the moment of impact.

Two men lost their lives in the air traffic accident. Flying instructor Niall Doherty from Roscrea and trainee pilot Damien Deegan from Crinkle were both 31.

Below are some images from Ireland's aviation history.

Captain Darby Kennedy - Weston Aerodrome, Leixlip, Co. Kildare.

A Westland Widgeon Helicopter, arrives at Dublin Airport on its way to the Air Display at Weston, Leixlip, Co. Kildare.

A de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth pictured on the ground readying for takeoff .

The black and white pictures show classic aircraft at the air show at Weston Aerodrome, Ireland.  The Westland Widgeon helicopter (pictured middle) was built in the 1950s but was never commercially successful and only fourteen were built.

Monday 17 December 2012

Digitizing the Archive

A highly readable blog post by Sarah Jacobs  details the work of Lensmen photographic agency, much of which involves digitizing a substantial archive containing over two million images.

Jacobs asks:

When you’ve acquired an historic archive with over 2 million images that includes The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and JFK, where do you begin when it comes to digitizing, securing, uploading, distributing and marketing the work?

With the help of Susan Kennedy and Sean Walsh, owners of this remarkable archive, Sarah Jacobs guides her reader through the history and current work of the enterprise.

Susan Kennedy and Sean Walsh 

Amongst recent highpoints in the company’s evolution was what Susan Kennedy described as ‘a highly successful red carpet film première of Charlie is my darling.’ Shortly after this event Taoiseach Enda Kenny launched the Lensmen book, The 1950s: Ireland in Pictures.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Anti-Salmon Farm Protests

A protest is taking place today at at the Cork office of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. it is being organised by a number of anti-fish farm groups who plan on marching to Minister Simon Coveney’s Carrigaline constituency office to voice their opposition to government policy on fish farming.

Ireland has a reputation for being home to some of the best fishing rivers in Europe, attracting many anglers from foreign climes.

1950s image of angler plying his trade along one of Ireland's many rivers

Purchase prints at Irish Photo Archive

Friday 14 December 2012

New French Diaspora

France’s Prime Minister has expressed his displeasure at the country’s 'greedy rich' who have flocked to foreign climes in a bid to evade taxation laws in their own country. Jean-Marc Ayrault has lambasted his wealthy fellow nationals for their avarice. 

Those who are seeking exile abroad are not those who are scared of becoming poor … (but) … because they want to get even richer. We cannot fight poverty if those with the most, and sometimes with a lot, do not show solidarity and a bit of generosity. 

In 1968 French society was rocked to the core when students and others took to a more insurrectionary form of politics against the system of government overseen by President Charles De Gaulle.

Charles de Gaulle and President de Valera seated on a couch talking in Áras An Uachtarain 

In the summer of 1969, General Charles De Gaulle, the retired President of France visited Ireland. Accompanying De Gaulle was his wife Yvonne and his aide de camp Admiral Francois Flohic.
He was descended from the Irish clan of McCartan, on his mother’s side, De Gaulle's great-grandmother was Marie Angelique McCartan and he had a keen interest in Irish history.

He fulfilled a lifetime ambition to visit Ireland in 1969.

Former President De Gaulle plants a tree in the grounds of Áras an Uachtarain
General Charles de Gaulle with President Eamon De Valera at Áras an Uachtarain

Purchase prints at Irish Photo Archive

Thursday 13 December 2012

Dublin Buses

The bus service in Dublin has made the news in recent years for a number of tragic reasons.

Serious incidents involving buses in which members of the public have lost their lives have forced Dublin buses centre stage in terms of news worthiness.

It has been not only traumatic for those who have been the victims of accidents and their families as well as onlookers, but also for the drivers of the vehicles concerned. A long time seems to have passed since the men and women who provide such a valuable public service made the news with a smile.

First CIE Dublin woman bus driver back in 1980

Wednesday 12 December 2012

No Order in the House

Yesterday Dail Eireann hosted a vituperative exchange between Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Louth TD Gerry Adams. At one point the speaker, Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett suspended the house for ten minutes in a bid to restore order. 

Earlier this year Enda Kenny launched the Lensmen book 1950s Ireland in Pictures

Taoiseach Enda Kenny with Lensmen team past and present at book launch 

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Michael Hughes pictured with the chunk of gold he discovered in Co. Monaghan, Ireland on 01/02/1957

Monaghan Farmer Michael Hughes (far right) watches on as the gold he discovered is inspected.
The pictures were featured in the Sunday Express Newspaper in 1957.

Although the grade of the gold in Co Monaghan is relatively low by world standards, the sheer size of the find and the surging prices of gold mean it could still be hugely profitable.
The biggest gold mine in Britain and Ireland was discovered in 2009 at Clontibret, Co Monaghan close to the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.