Friday 27 September 2013

Crisis in the North ... Again

The North’s Power Sharing Executive is said to once more be in crisis. The allegation this time round has come from Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly. Speaking on a Belfast radio programme broadcast on Wednesday, the 30th anniversary of the Maze/Long Kesh escape during which a prison officer was shot in the head allegedly by Mr Kelly, the current parliamentarian accused the DUP of bringing matters to the verge of collapse.

Siren calls have been made in the past from the North’s politicians but this time it comes against a background of considerable unease and disquiet over a range of polarizing issues. In a bid to try and lance the boil that continues to fester the US diplomat Richard Haass is engaged in talks with many of the North’s politicians and community leaders.

History was made in 2007 when the Gerry Adams led Sinn Fein and the DUP, led by Ian Paisley, agreed to enter into an executive tasked with administering the North’s internal political affairs. Many people were surprised that both men, long viewed as implacable opponents enemies, could eventually reach agreement.

Ian Paisley is a former leader of Ulster Resistance while Gerry Adams served as a leading member of the Provisional IRA.

1978 Ian Paisley at prayer meeting in Dublin's Mansion House

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Wednesday 25 September 2013

All Ireland Final

The 2013 all Ireland football championship has been won by Dublin. In what was a lackluster game the men from the capital over came Mayo by a margin of one point.

A crowd estimated at just over 82, 000 watched the game at Croke Park Stadium.

It is the second time in three years that the Dubs have taken the Sam Maguire back with them. Overall they have won the title on 24 occasions. Mayo have not yaken possession of the trophy in just over half a century, 1951 being the last time the side set their hands on the coveted silverware.

1955 Mayo semi final side

1955 Dublin semi final side

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Friday 20 September 2013

Struck Off

A high-profile Dublin solicitor has been found guilty of professional misconduct by the Irish Law Society. The body has now recommended that Greg O'Neill be struck off. During a tribunal hearing yesterday the three person panel concluded that Mr O'Neill 'was not a fit person to be solicitor.'

O'Neill had established a public profile for himself through campaigning on behalf of the families of victims killed in two horrendous events: the Dublin Monaghan bombings of 1974 and the Stardust fire disaster in 1981.

'The tribunal heard that Mr O'Neill now 'suffers from severe depression and has debts of about €500,000.'

Aftermath of Stardust fire in 1981.

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Thursday 19 September 2013

Banning Libel Bullies

A number of Irish writers have written an open letter to the North's First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, calling for the libel reform law to be extended from the UK to Northern Ireland. In their letter the writers demand that 'libel bullies' should not be made welcome in Belfast. There has been resistance in the North to the law being extended there and the leading libel lawyer Paul Tweed has argued in defence of tighter censorship legislation. Censorship was for long a pervasive factor in Irish life. The former Minister for Posts and Telegraphs, Conor Cruise O'Brien stringently opposed air time being given to members of Sinn Fein during the Provisional IRA's campaign and tried to:
use Section 31 to censor coverage of the troubles in Northern Ireland, which could have been seen as pro-nationalist, in papers such as The Irish Press, the editor, Tim Pat Coogan, published editorials attacking the Bill.
21 January 1962: Conor Cruise O'Brien and his new wife Maire McEntee
return from honeymoon

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Tuesday 17 September 2013

US Gun Scourge Continues

Despite many appeals for something to be done to halt the scourge of gun crime in the USA in the wake of last December's school massacre at Sandy Hook, the phenomenon has claimed the lives of 12 more people at a Washington Navy Yard. Police later shot dead the attacker bringing to 13 the number of fatalities resulting from the incident.

For the US the incident marked the 'deadliest mass shooting since 20 children and six adults were killed at a Connecticut school in December.'

Despite undertakings by US President Barack Obama to curb the ease with which US citizens can access guns he 'has been powerless to get legislation passed despite a string of mass shootings during his presidency.'

US President with Taoiseach during a 2011 visit to Ireland

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Sunday 15 September 2013

British rule out Omagh Bomb Inquiry

The British Government has ruled out a public inquiry into the 1998 Omagh bombing that claimed 30 lives. Theresa Villiers the British Secretary of State for the North said
I do not believe that there are sufficient grounds to justify a further review or inquiry above and beyond those that have already taken place or are ongoing.
It is a move which has angered relatives of those killed. Michael Gallagher who lost a son expressed his disappointment:
The reality is that Aiden need not have died ... Both the British and Irish governments failed to protect the human rights of those people ... I think it’s important to note that this is a government who are actually holding other governments to account over human rights abuses ... Last week they wanted permissions from Parliament to go to war, or to launch attacks on Syria. Over a year ago we gave this Government a report which showed that state agencies had failed and 31 people had died and 250 were injured unnecessarily.
The British government has also proved reluctant to make available to Irish authorities its files pertaining to the Dublin Monaghan bombings of 1974 when 30 people lost their lives. 
Scene of May 19874 bomb attack in Dublin
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Thursday 12 September 2013

Trapped by Failure

The Ireland soccer coach Giovanni Trappatoni has been dismissed as from his position after two defeats which effectively means the team can no longer progress to the FIFA World Cup finals in Brazil next year.

Trap as he is known and his assistant Marco Tardelli, a 1982 World Cup winner with the Italian side of 1982, had failed to deliver successs with line ups that compared poorly against earlier sides such as that coached by Jack Charlton in 1988.

Trappatoni said: We leave this country with emotion because we understand the Irish supporters who have a well-deserved international reputation and they have our utmost respect.

Martin O'Neill the former Northern Ireland international is amongst the front runners to take up the vacated position.

Ireland versus Spain in November 1955 at Dalymount Park

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