Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Nifty Fifties in New York

Fifty years can seem like a long time depending on who you are and how close you are to reaching it. For younger generations fifty can seem like an impossible amount of time while the older generations sometimes feel it arrived in no time at all. For my mother, her fiftieth year lasted two years because she forgot how old she was and thus celebrated her fiftieth birthday for the first time when she turned forty-nine. If I'm not mistaken she's been fifty-one for several years now too, bless her. 

Regardless, fifty is a number to celebrate. It's a lovely even number perfectly perched between being a century and being non-existant and it is receiving a bit of attention this week as two exciting things are reaching their 50th birthdays: The New York Film Festival and, I'm sure you'll be shocked to see me mention, The Rolling Stones. 

This is not to say that those two are the only important 50th anniversaries this year. The Beach Boys are having a 50th anniversary tour, James Bond has reached the Golden Age (not a particular one-the character himself), Samoa gained independence 50 years ago, etc. However, The New York Film Festival is this week and we already raved about the Stones so it seems only appropriate to continue the theme. 

A NYFF interview with the director and the producer of Charlie is My Darling hit the internet yesterday and we're freaking out! 

The interview reveals that there is some entirely new and never before seen content in the film! Imagine the Rolling Stones fifty years ago! Or if you've not much of an imagination you can just check Rolling Stone Magazine. Even better idea-go celebrate the New York Film Festival and the Rolling Stone's 50th Anniversaries! 

As if Charlie is My Darling premiering at the festival wasn't enough, we just found out that the entire cast of Princess Bride will be there. NYFF is going to have a great fiftieth! Let's hope for all our sakes they forget and celebrate it again next year! 


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