Wednesday 3 October 2012

Encore, encore!

Happy Wednesday everybody!

Charlie is My Darling-Ireland 1965 has its encore release in New York today! The Film Festival last Friday was fantastic (try saying that three times fast!)! I highly recommend that you go if you're in the neighborhood, and if not then mark your calendars for November 6th when the DVD comes out!

We're holding a contest where you can a limited edition Rolling Stones print! Just like our facebook page and you'll be entered to win!

 Dublin became very cold very suddenly this morning! I almost froze on my way in to work today but the thought of hot tea kept me alive and hopeful.
I'm suspicious of the warmth of this tea and even more concerned about the health and safety issues of steeping a man instead of a tea bag. Ah well, rock on Dublin in the 60's!

Don't think that I've forgotten about my Pinterest promise! Next week starts my trials and triumphs into the wild and crazy world of crafting! If you want to see something in particular put together just post a link to it in the comments section and I'll do my best to get the supplies and whatnot. I'm contemplating an IKEA run this weekend anyway so I'm sure I'll end up with entire truck loads of things I don't actually need and could be turned into something useful.
Furniture feet?....

My very serious job of trolling pinterest has unearthed something just may save my life. Measuring things has always been a bit of an elusive concept for me--even when I try things seem to always be just a little bit off and it's embarrassing, especially when I'm hanging something for someone else. Cue pinterest being awesome!

Bam! Now let's be honest-if I'd thought of this myself it would have just been me being lazy. But look! It's been done by someone with the creative gene so it must be cool and artsy! Though I suppose if you don't already have shelves up that could be an issue but even if you only have one shelf it seems to work:

That is absolute magic. Some of those prints aren't even in frames and they look fantastic and finished. This is definitely happening in my apartment, I'm pretty sure the landlord would be less than pleased if I started the process of peppering the walls with attempts at hanging pictures anyway.

How would you caption this picture? I came across it in the archives and I'm speechless. Again, I blame the 60's.



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