Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tuesday Tribulations

Good Morning Everyone!

Our hearts go out to those on the East Coast of the United States, please take care of yourselves these next few days. If you would like more information on the status or the impact of Hurricane Sandy you can click this link or if you would like tips on what to do if your area is affected, please visit this link.

In lighter news, congratulations to Karen Reilly for winning the caption contest!
Still can't 'figger' who put the figgin' figs in the fig rolls!
Karen has won two tickets to the premier of the Rolling Stones' film "Charlie is My Darling-Ireland 1965". The premier is this Thursday, the 1st of November, and will take place at the Lighthouse Cinema! Here's the trailer for the film! We're so excited to go see it we've seen it about a billion times    : P
Wooohooo! Any excuse to dress up and talk about The Rolling Stones all night is a great one! : D The film is available for purchase November 6th, pre-order to guarantee a copy for yourself! We have quite the busy week ahead of us! Tomorrow is Halloween, Thursday is The Rolling Stones film premier, Friday we start having a weekend-long panic attack about "The 1950's Ireland in Pictures" Book Launch, Monday we start running out of paper bags to hyperventilate into and Tuesday is we officially launch the book!

In all seriousness, everything is going to be fantastic. All our little ducks are in a row and we are extremely excited to launch the book! The exhibition is going to be lovely and we are pleased that our distinguished guests are going to be able to attend.

We would like to reiterate that if you are affected by Hurricane Sandy please be safe and take pictures from the inside of your house or bunker or wherever you're set up. Our hearts and prayers are with you all and we hope that the storm passes soon.


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