Wednesday 24 October 2012

Rolling Stones Film Premier Tickets!

Hello all!

Hope you had a great Wednesday, our business day is just wrapping up here at the Irish Photo Archive. We held two contests today to give away tickets to the Charlie is My Darling film premier in Dublin November 1st!

The first photo was of Miss Maeve Allen at the Dublin Zoo in 1962 with a five-day old llama named 'Snowdrop'.

Irish Photo Archive
It was captioned by one Gillian Currie on twitter as thus: "Llamas lay eggs, I know they do if I just squeeze here!"

Well done Ms. Currie!

Our next caption contest picture is of Jim Figgarty in 1969, go at it, win those tickets!

Irish Photo Archive
I am particularly excited for this event because (there will be refreshments afterwards) I get to go! : D I've never been to a film premier before and it sounds like a fantastic excuse to get dressed up and wear impractical shoes : P
Photo Credit!
Ok maybe not that impractical but they always seem to feel like that by the end of the night. We promise to take tons of photos the night of and post them here Friday morning! : D

Lucky people that we are, we have the book launch the following week! We are very busy people! Photos from that event will be posted here as well of course, we'll hopefully be meeting the Taoiseach! The book we are launching (I'm sure I've already told you about it) is The 1950s Ireland in Pictures and it's amazing going through all of the past events and people that were in Ireland in the 50's. Here's a sneak peak of one of my favorite photos in the book!
Ploughing at Stoneyford 1953
Until tomorrow!


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