Tuesday 13 November 2012

Lensmen Photo Archive Links and News

The Irish Photo Archive is proud to announce our partnership with Abkco and our involvement in the “Charlie is My Darling, Ireland-1965” film. 14 of our photographs of The Rolling Stones have been used in the production of the film as well as in the posters and other advertising. Our involvement in the film has been discussed on such prominent local news sources such as Dublin People, ITV News, the Irish Examiner, the IrishCentral, the Fingal-Independent, The Independent, RTE 6 O'Clock News, MediaStreet, Talkback radio, Venture, Business World, Broadsheet, and WorldIrish to name a few!
Irish Photo Archive
Internationally we’ve been in articles in the New York Times, the Rolling Stones Magazine, Artinfo, Filmlinc, Columbia Daily Tribune, MaxTV, and Musicdirect!
We have collaborated with Obrien Press to create our new photographic book-“The 1950’s Ireland in Pictures” which can be purchased at the Book Despository. The book launch was November 6th and it was a great success, thanks to all that came! 
Irish Photo Archive
 If you would like to see more pictures you may browse the Irish Photo Archive website or visit our You Tube channel.
Without culturally historic websites such as ourselves, Irish Photo Archive, as well as The Irish Archives, British GENES, and Heritagecouncil our past and our culture would be lost. We are very grateful to our photographic and informational websites and we love to be able to share them with you.
You can find more information on The Irish Photo Archive on Irelandwebinfo or if you are interested in joining our team please visit Digital Marketing Jobs.

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