Thursday 1 November 2012

November News

Happy November!

All of us at the office hope all of you had a fun and safe Halloween and that you didn't make yourself too sick with all that candy!

I put to use the simple Halloween decoration idea I had in my last post and it worked like magic! The only hitch was that I don't really have bushes out front but I solved that by using the small amount of creative ability I possess. Instead of simply making them eyes in the night I took two sheets of toilet paper (it's an exact science), shredded the bottoms and covered the rolls with them. Then I had little scary ghosts! There was a tiny hitch with figuring out how to hang them (ran out of tape) but I eventually hung them up with string attached to the blinds in the windows and they looked great : )

We are sad that Halloween is over but very excited that it's the 1st of November! I'm sure by now you're all well aware as to why but just in case I'll give you a hint:


We're calm yet very excited for this. A great excuse to dress up and wear some very red lipstick in honor of Mick's own luscious lips!

I was going to put a picture of Jagger's lips here but only weird things came up when I put that into google images. Be careful what you search for would be the lesson there : P

Be not concerned that we will go into a great depression after the premier for lack of things to do. The book launch is next Tuesday and is already starting to demand loads of attention and panic! There really isn't much to panic about-the prints have been ordered and will be printed on time, thanks to the wonderful Fire.

The people at Fire have been absolutely amazing with helping us out on getting all of our prints finished. We're looking forward to seeing them at the exhibition where they can admire their handy-work! 

All that's left to do for the book launch is to set up on Tuesday! The event is going to be gorgeous, how could it not be when the venue is the Royal Hibernian Academy?

We're lucky to have landed such a great venue and even luckier that the people here in the office are willing to help out with setting up all the easels. It would take us days and more patience than we have if we had to set that all up ourselves!

Three and a half hours and counting until the film premier! : D


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