Thursday 14 February 2013

Halappanavar Draft Report Leaked

A leaked version of the draft report into the death of Savita Halappanavar would seem to vindicate initial assertions by her husband Praveen about her treatment in Galway Hospital. Ms Halappanavar died in October last year after complications in her pregnancy were not addressed with the type of swift medical attention that could have saved her life. Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar, had later complained that his wife had on a number of occasions during her stay in hospital requested a termination but that this option was not made available.

Speaking on behalf of Praveen Halappanavar, his solicitor Gerard O'Donnell had this to say;

If what was published today were extracts from the report then all they do is, in some ways, vindicate what my client said from the outset as to the way his wife was treated at University Hospital Galway.

the fallout from the death of Savita Halappanavar manifested itself in people taking to the streets in Ireland demanding a change in the law pertaining to pregnancy termination.

According to the Irish Times the leaked draft report:

deals with a number of issues relating to her death, including whether her request for a termination should have been considered and whether guidelines on terminations in general are adequate. It examines the lines of responsibility of the staff providing her care as well as the follow-up that occurred where tests were carried out.

Health Minister James Reilly is withholding comment until he has received the final report.

Mother Teresa attending a SPUC conference in Dublin in 1982

purchase prints @ Irish Photo Archive

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