Monday 25 March 2013

President meets Pope

President Michael D Higgins represented Ireland at the inauguration of Pope Francis in Rome on Tuesday last. The President addressed the pope in Spanish.

President Hillery and Pope John Paul 11 - Ireland 1979

Pope Francis as Jorge Marie Bergoglio was cardinal of Argentina prior to his election to the papacy. In October President Higgins visited that country's capital. While there he unveiled a plaque in honour of Patrick Rice on the anniversary of his arrest. Rice, who died in 2010, was a missionary priest and human rights worker from Co Cork who was detained and tortured by Argentine security forces before pressure from the Irish government led to his release.

Cardinal Brady said he expects the new pontiff to be invited to Ireland. If Ireland is to host a papal visit it will be the country's first since 1979.

 Purchase framed photographs @ Irish Photo Archive

1 comment:

  1. How much is this piece of showmanship going to cost us, I believe the people who have the same beliefs as this guy should foot the bill,why should I as a tax payer pay for some guy to come here and tell me to believe in make believe do we not have enough con men
