Thursday 14 March 2013

We have a Pope

With the words 'Habemus Papem' the world was informed that a new man had been elected to lead the world's I.2 billion Roman Catholics. Pope Francis has stepped in to the shoes of his predecessor Pope Benedict who resigned after six years in the job.

However,  there may something rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark. Already there are investigative reporters digging into the past of Cardinal Jorge Mario former Arch Bishop of Buenos Aires. Human rights bodies and the Argentine Left accuse the new pontiff of having being linked to the Dirty War regime that governed Argentina from 1976 to 1983. During the period thousands of people were tortured, raped, murdered and disappeared by the government as it sought to close down opposition to its rule.

The Roman Catholic Church might not yet be free from the scandal that has dogged the Vatican in recent years.

1st October 1979 - Pope John Paul II visits Ireland

purchase prints @ Irish Photo Archive

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