Tuesday 9 April 2013

A Divisive British Prime Minister

Margaret Thatcher in Dublin in 1979 for an EEC conference

The death of Baroness Thatcher, the former British Conservative Prime Minister has produced mixed emotions. In some British and Irish cities crowds turned out to 'celebrate' her passing.

For much of her premiership she had a frosty relationship with Ireland and in the view of former SDLP leader John Hume it was events in this country rather than elsewhere that 'dominated and defined Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister'.

Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams was scathing of the late British leader, while Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Northern First Minister Peter Robinson were considerably more benign.

Margaret Thatcher will be laid to rest next week after a funeral with full military honours in London. 

 Purchase framed photographs @ Irish Photo Archive

1 comment:

  1. The world would be a better place without such a person.
