Monday 20 May 2013

The Dictator is dead

Jorge Videla the military caudillo who fronted the Argentine coup in 1976 has died from natural causes in a prison close to Buenos Aires. He had been serving a lie sentence for the murders of 31 people and baby theft. According to USA Today:

Videla's dictatorship also stood out from others in Latin America for its policy of holding pregnant prisoners until they gave birth, and then killing the women and arranging for illegal adoptions of their babies, usually by military or police families.

Videla had previously been imprisoned for his crimes against humanity but an amnesty allowed him to go free. Public pressure and the thirst for justice, however,  ensured he was returned to prison where he would spend the remainder of his days, a pariah who had visited a persecutory plague on Argentine society with his violence.

Argentinian delegation lay wreath at Arbour Hill in April 1966 as part of the 1916 commemorations

Purchase framed photographs @ Irish Photo Archive

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