Monday 13 January 2014

Dirty Old River

The recent inclement weather and the water levels that it brought with it may have receded somewhat, but given the history of ebb and flow weather conditions there is no cause of optimism.

Back in August 1986 Hurricane Charly (Charlie) caused a heavy overnight rainfall which saw severe flooding in the Donnybrook/Ballsbridge areas of Dublin. In a period of just 12 hours it was stated that 8 inches of rain had fallen. The Dodder,long regarded as a "Flashy" river, burst its banks and caused great hardship to families in the 300 or so homes which were flooded. Council workers and the Fire Brigades did their best to try and alleviate some of the problems by removing debris and pumping out some of the homes affected.

Note: "Flashy" is a term given to a river which is prone to flooding as a result of heavy or sustained rainfall.

Dodder bursts its banks in 1986
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