Tuesday 21 January 2014

Paisley Attacks Former Colleagues

The former First Minister of the North, Ian Paisley, has launched a broadside against his former colleagues in the DUP. In a BBC documentary the Unionist firebrand pulled few punches.

Those in the DUP on the receiving end of his ire have refuted his allegations. The current DUP leader and the North's First Minister, Peter Robinson dismissed his former leader:   This is not the Ian Paisley we knew ... As someone who faithfully served Dr Paisley for many decades I will make one final sacrifice by not responding and causing any further damage to his legacy beyond that which he has done himself. Rather than return insult for insult, let me bless him with the mercy of my silence and wish him well.

 Dr Ian Paisley's prayer meeting. Mansion House, Dublin, 24th September, 1978.

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