Thursday 8 May 2014

Affordable treasures

But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one...” Henry Ford

We at the Irish Photo Archive know just how much of a treasure we have in our collection. Each member of the team has their own personal favourites, but we also all regularly find another image from the collection that makes us laugh, or do a double-take as we recognize a youthful well-known personality, or just is such a striking image we want to show it off to everyone.

St Finbarr's Monastery at Goughane Barra, County Cork
6th January 1952

And from the feedback we’ve received through our website, on social media and at fairs, we know you guys out there also recognize the quality of our images and are as fascinated as us by the variety and range of subjects.

But, it is still hard times for many people and, though you have probably found dozens of image on our website that you would love to have, not many people have a great amount of spare cash for buying prints – even ones as good as ours!

So we have decided to take a leaf out of Henry Ford’s book and make our beautiful prints more affordable. The quality will remain the same: “constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one...”

A hardworking Limerick man enjoys his pint, for which he has paid
 a penny extra in support of the Limerick Widows Alms House
28th March 1962

 So, from now on, you will be able to purchase a 12” x 8” print of your favourite print for just €20, including VAT. A 16” x 12” print will only set you back €30, down from €50. I’m afraid we still need to charge for postage, and framing will remain extra, but we hope these reduced prices will prove more suitable to the average person’s budget.

And besides, we can go one better than Henry Ford – we can offer black and white!

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