Monday 25 August 2014

Changing Faces of Dublin

As we said on Saturday, Blanchardstown Library are holding an exhibition of some of our most popular images all this week. However, they are also hosting many other events that would suit all tastes.

For example, Pat Upton will be giving an interactive talk on his City Portraits book, covering topics such as how the Celtic Tiger affected Dublin, the decline of the Dublin pub and what makes Dublin unique/tick. He will be there today and tomorrow at 6:30pm, and it is sure to be an interesting evening.

According to Pat’s blog, “he is a native of Stoneybatter, Dublin and studied philosophy and translation. A native of the inner city, he has also lived and worked in six different countries, most recently Japan. As part of his philosophy studies, Pat wrote an M.Phil on the contemporary experience of pleasure in society. “ If you would like to find out more, why not visit Pat’s blog here.

And if that’s not to your taste, don’t forget Lily and the rest of our prints will be there to keep you amused!

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