Thursday 6 November 2014

Our adventures in New York

Seán and Susan (MDs of the Irish Photo Archive and LensmenPhotography respectively) arrived back from New York this morning after an exciting couple of days in the Big Apple launching our digital book. President John F. Kennedy Visits Ireland in 1963.

The decision to launch the book in New York was made thanks to Jimmy Deenihan, the newly appointed Minister for Diaspora Affairs.  He had agreed to contribute a foreword to ourdigital book, and while filming it (utilisng the option of a video foreword for a digital book…), the minister suggested the book should be launched at the Irish Consulate at his welcoming event.

Susan Kennedy, Minister Jimmy Deenihan and Seán Walsh at the launch of
President John F. Kennedy Visits Ireland in 1963, 4 November 2014 
We were very happy to have the opportunity to meet with the consulate staff in New York; Barbara Jones, Consul General, and Fiona McCabe, Vice Consul General. To show our appreciation to them for allowing us to launch our title there, we brought a print of Kennedy addressing both Houses of the Oireachtas. As you can see from the image below, Kennedy is standing in front of the flag of the colours of the of the 69th New York, the first Regiment of the Irish Brigade, which he presented to the Dáil.

Seán Walsh, Consul General Barbara Jones and Minister Jimmy Deenihan
with the presented print from the Irish Photo Archive, 4 November 2014
We were also happy to meet up with the Irish-American businesses and organisations that had gathered to greet Minister Deenihan. There was a wide variety of sectors represented, as you will see from this brief list of businesses we met:

It’s great to see that the Irish and their descendants are still playing a major part in the US corporate and cultural worlds. We hope to be able to work more with our Irish-American counterparts in the future, and bring our businesses closer together.

Some of the crowd at the event in the Irish Consulate in New York,
4 November 2014

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