Thursday 18 October 2012

Archive Dive


I have been madly working on a calendar of all of our photographs of Ireland from the last 60 years, or at least all of those that we've had the opportunity to scan onto a computer! Going through all the pictures of celebrities and places and events was tedious, yes, but also very rewarding as I was able to see a slideshow of some of the coolest things to happen in Ireland in the past 60 years. For example, imagine my surprise at stumbling across a photo of this gorgeous politician while thumbing through the sixties!
Who doesn't like to golf?
Evidently President Eisenhower enjoyed golfing! In Ireland! This particular political picture (see what I did there?! So many p's!) was taken on August 17th, 1962 and it looks like Ike was having a great time : )

I also found this picture of a celebrity in Ireland from June 9th 1964:
Dublin on mmyy miiinnnddd!
It's Ray Charles at the Gaiety Theatre filming a scene for the film "Ballad in Blue", I had no idea he had even visited Ireland!  It's amazing to me that very few other people have ever seen these:

Rock of Cashel 1957
Images of the Irish countryside never get old and always manage to look mystical and fabulous. Some of these pictures just take your breath away. I think Co. Tipperary must have gotten distracted and looked away the moment this picture was taken because it is the kind of stunning that only comes candid.

Then of course we have the ones that are painfully adorable:
Ya I made this huge because it's super cute!

How much does this make you want to adopt tiger cubs?! You don't even have to do anything because the family dog will take care of them! Just kidding, don't actually do that but Dublin Zoo in the 50's sure knew how to problem solve! I feel a little bad for the poor confused puppy sleeping by the tiger butt. I'm sure he's fine and I can't imagine he'll ever get bullied in doggy obedience school considering who his brothers are : P

Well tomorrows Friday and I'm pretty excited. Do I have plans for the weekend, you may ask? Heck yes I do, it's called sleep and I've heard it's fantastic! ; P I'll have to let you know how the whole 'sleep' thing works on Monday but ta for now!


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