Monday 22 October 2012

Halloween Plans and Pictures

Halloween is on its way!

And I couldn't be more excited! I love how crisp the air is (but not too cold) and watching the leaves all turn color and fall to the ground. Sneaking a peek at what the Archive calendar has in store for the upcoming holiday I found this picture of Halloween in Ireland in the 1950's:

Om nom nom!
Absolutely adorable for several reasons, one of which is the fact that it looks like they're wearing doll clothes. I want one of those little vests so bad! You can see the love that was put into those little outfits and it kills me. All the photos of old Irish clothing that we have are interesting to look at, at the very least, but for some reason these little outfits are the absolute best. Maybe it's because small things are always adorable
I dare you
to not love them!

I still don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween (no I'm not too old) but I think I'm going to try and sneakily make it something warm. Like an eskimo or a polar bear:

I had to search men's halloween costumes to find these babies because whoever designed the women's costumes didn't do any research on what eskimos and polar bears would actually wear. There was a lot of bare skin that I'm pretty sure would turn blue on a real eskimo/polar bear. Curious....

Anyway, this weekend is Halloween and regardless of what I end up dressing up as, I'm sure it's going to be filled with sugar and scares : ) 

See what I did there? Scary...sugar....bwahahahaha!
Photo credit

It's been a while since I've allowed anyone to photograph me at Halloween (or any other holiday) but it's not difficult to appreciate the efforts of the Lensmen Photographers who have documented over sixty years of Irish holidays and events. Irresponsible amounts of my time has been spent on their Archive web site flipping through decades of people and places. The photo find of the day, and what I'll leave you with, is this photo:
Christchurch Cathedral 1971
Just kidding one more thing! : P

We've been googling ourselves (a dangerous pastime, I know) and we're even more famous than we initially believed! ; P British Photographic History and Irish Central both have written articles about our archive! : D

Don't worry, we won't let it go to our heads ; )

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