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Wednesday 6 February 2013


It has been reported that the senior IRA figure suspected of having planned the 1996 Adare robbery that led to the death of Garda Jerry McCabe is no longer on the force's wanted list. Garda McCabe died as he sat in his car, riddled by a hail of gunfire. His colleague Ben O'Sullivan survived the attack despite sustaining 11 bullet wounds.

The threat to on-duty Garda has moved to the centre of media discourse and political attention over the last twelve days as a result of the murder of Garda Adrian Donohoe.

Meanwhile, Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams apologised in the Dail on behalf of republicans over their role in the killing of Garda McCabe.

Armed Gardai foil IRA attempt to kidnap Galen Weston in 1983

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1 comment:

  1. Isn’t Gerry just the best ever how good is he for apologising, I am sure Anne McCabe will understand that he had to tell all those lies about how her husband wasn’t killed by the Provo’s , He had to get into power and that’s not easy if you have tell the truth
