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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Car Bomb Devastation

The impact of car bombs has once again been all too evident in Iraq where:

At least 20 people were killed by a series of car bombs in mainly Shia districts of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad ... and 11 others were killed by attacks in the southern city of Basra, police and medics said.

The device often said to have been devised and perfected by the Provisional IRA for use in the Northern conflict has been a frequent feature of the volatile and violent war that has raged throughout Iraq since the US led invasion of the country.

More than 30 people died in Dublin and Monaghan 39 years ago this month when car bombs ripped through both locations with devastating effect.

Aftermath of car bomb in Dublin, May 1974

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1 comment:

  1. And to think that there are still some around in Ireland who would want to inflict this on society
