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Thursday 14 November 2013


Fifty years ago this very day Irish housewives were to be found protesting about the introduction of a new sales tax, known as the 'turnover tax'. Half a century on and in spite of the much vaunted progress that Irish society has supposedly made many Irish mothers are still not getting what they consider a fair deal. And it is because of a growing food poverty problem.

In June the Irish Times reported on the problem, claiming that one single mother took only sugared water for breakfast and lunch so that her child would not go without adequate nourishment.

Today the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin claimed that he was not exaggerating to say 'the demand of people for simple wholesome food for themselves and their children is not being met. He said he was speaking about "large numbers of people”.

It is a problem that appears not to be easing and needs some serious intent on the part of the government if an end is to be put to the disgusting phenomenon of hungry children in Ireland. Otherwise hungry housewives may find it necessary to take to the streets.

Housewives protest in November 1963.

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1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe in current times but this is the way it is
